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UHF band batteryless E-paper tag

epia3年前 (2022-07-12)产业新闻1514

Combining the RFID's feature which automates read/write with visibility of paper label.

The E-paper tag solution combines the "visibility of
information" of paper slips used in the manufacturing process and supply chain with the convenience of RFID, which can read information quickly and automatically.
By replacing the paper slips attached to the pallet or return box with an E-paper tag and reading and writing the data in the tag with RFID scanner, you can realize paperless and work efficiency.

Furthermore, this solution is effective to visualize how many products are in the manufacturing and distribution process.


FrequencyIt varies by country.
Display2.9 inch(296 x 128dot)
Display colorsBlack and White
InventoryApprox. 160cm
※This is a test values and distance varies by the manufacturer of RFID scanners.
※This is a test value obtained under room temperature conditions. It is not a guaranteed value.
Update ImageApprox. 60cm
※This is a test values and distance varies by the manufacturer of RFID scanners.
※This is a test value obtained under room temperature conditions. It is not a guaranteed value.
Panel's life1,000,000 times
User area︓61440bit(7680byte)
※User can use 32768bit(4096byte) while image updating.
Protective classIP54
Dimensions103(W)× 46(H)×6.6(D) mm
WightApprox. 35g

Visualizing stock quantity in supply chain with loT


Optimizing / Automating Reducing use of papers for slips

Reducing use of papers for slips










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